We adjourned the game after Dana unceremoniously kicked our butts in the second game and everyone was going to bed and I was going to post the blog. I had it written because I make notes during the day so it’s not all done in one sitting, I just had to upload it and add pics – and the girls that were too tired and had to go to bed, then spend at least 90 minutes watching re-runs of “The Nanny”. I don’t get it.
The red is fading, but not quickly enough. BM still needs to be slathered with aloe every few hours. She tries to rotate so that she doesn’t feel bad having the same person have to rub her down. The oddest thing is that she’s fairly delusional about the whole thing – in one breath she can talk about how torturous it is to wear a bra, beg someone to put aloe on her, and then insist that she’s now “brown”… um no. You are not brown BM. You are red, and you are pink – there are no earth tones involved at this point. Here’s a little hint if you’re confused, “brown” doesn’t hurt.
We all start to come alive this morning and we head down to breakfast at Dajio (D And J In Ocracoke) on our bikes (and trike) - on our way we see these two cute English bulldogs lounging in Adirondack chairs. It looks like a “wish you were here” postcard – these guys are just really comfy in their chairs, and it’s so cute. BM really loves it because she has always wanted English Bulldogs and this has just solidified that. The owner was very chatty, having them speak (they didn't) - and play with the ball. Just another friendly face in Ocracoke!

Patti and I pull up to restaurant on the bikes with BP right behind us (Dana stayed at the house because she doesn’t like breakfast). We park the bikes, and look around - no BM. We normally try to have one of us take up the rear to make sure that no other trike incidents happen without backup… We don't see her... And then we see the trike round the corner. All three of us BUST out laughing!! There is this guy who is maybe 20 feet from us in the front of the restaurant, I'm just going to call him Dick – he puts his hands on his hips and throws his head back and laughs really loud. Totally mocking us, but meant to be just for his wife (Jane?) - I will not let that go. No reason to be a Richard on vacation, Dick. I say "She's on a trike, yah, we think it’s funny"... He does it AGAIN! Hands on hips, head back and laugh - and this time to our face! "It’s only reserved for the elderly and disabled... Its humorous.." And I give him evil eye that should make him feel like he was being mocked for mocking. BM has been oblivious to all of this as she's parked her trike - and Dick and Jane have a dog (Spot?)... BM is super nice to them, pets Spot, chats with them. And when we sit down I tell her about Dick and Jane - and maybe she killed them with kindness, after I killed them with sarcasm. Very disappointing – the first time we’ve encountered anything close to rudeness on the island. Pretty sure he’s not a local.
Breakfast is amazing as expected. I just can’t even tell you. Really. AMAZING. I have the eggs Oscar (eggs benedict with crab meat and asparagus, and a little change up with the hollandaise, it has a little chipotle kick to it), Patti and BM have omelets – but not like normal omlets, it’s like chicken and feta and spinach and something else amazing in there – omelets have never tasted like this. Then there are the “house potatoes”, we see colors of potatoes we’ve never seen before (pink?) along with purple, orange (sweet potatoes) and a few varieties of white… and the BACON? Please. Cut thick, country bacon, perfectly cooked. The most amazing thing however is the crème brulee French toast. It is layers of toast soaked overnight in the crème brulee, and then encrusted with caramelized sugar… it’s breakfast desert. The “crème” is almost the consistency of cheese cake stuffed breakfast items, but it’s infused in the toast, not stuffed in it. I wish I could send you the taste – it is decadent. We ordered one of them for us to share so that we could all try more things. So much breakfast; so little time. We overhear the table of ladies next to us order mimosas (and instantly shoot looks to each other… WHAT??) and other yummy looking things, and we know that we have to come back to try other things and get our mimosas on.
We leave breakfast fat and happy, and with separate missions. BM is not so happy with the trike - the road kinda leans, and when you have 3 wheels you feel the lean more. So now BM is thinking of trading it in for a bike, but BP tries it first, and she loves it! The seat is more comfortable and she thinks it’s fun, so BM takes BP's bike. She adjusts the seat and immediately finds something else wrong with it. We now suspect that there is nothing wrong with any of the bikes. It’s user error, there can’t be something “wrong” with every bike that BM touches, especially given that no one else has issues with those same bikes.
On the way back, we got sunglasses. BP found like 5 pairs, who knew she was such a sunglass horse. BM bought some huge bug eyed glasses which have already made their way to facebook, and I bought some magic polarized glasses (no squinting!), and we hit a few other shops before heading back to the house to just relax while Dana and Patti went to the beach. They went to a different beach today, and they say it was much better than the washing machine beach - they were actually able to use the rafts and hang out in the water. But we were too red to be out there again regardless – maybe tomorrow.
In the afternoon Patti and Dana got back and we caught up, while they showered I went with the Brittanys to get tacos and mail a postcard for BP on our bikes. There is this tiny little taco stand with authentic food, the tacos come in threes, so we got three different kinds and we each had one of each: ground beef, charritos, and these amazing shrimp fajita tacos. There were a few other things that we wanted to try on the menu and we talked about going back - BP says that there are so many places she wants to eat - that we might just have to eat more than 3 times a day.

When we got back to the house Patti and Dana had gone exploring and shopping - got a fish (wooden), some cool socks, and went to some scary little thrift store and had to figure out a way to get out without buying anything. We’ll have to get them to write up more of their adventures, I wasn’t there and I’m afraid my second hand accounts of what they did fall pretty short.
The locals play bingo on Tuesday nights and there are signs posted around town – it helps out the local volunteer fire department, so it goes to a good cause and we thought it would be fun to have a little time with the village folk. We grab a little dinner before we go, but BM stays behind to nap and work on the play that she’s doing on the 24th (The Visit at Stray Dog Theatre) - but when we get back from bingo she’s finishing up “My Best Friend’s Wedding” and still talking in future tense about how she’s going to work on it… hmmm. But she said she had a great nap.
Bingo was super fun – we get there and there’s a line to get in! But it turns out that they have a system, they only let one group in at a time to buy their cards and get settled. It feels a little like an illegal speak easy. The door person cracks the door and just sticks their head out, “How many?” – and then she only lets in that group and quickly closes the door behind them. There are rules posted outside the door and rule number one is absolutely no saving seats – they’re serious. We get in a get our seats, and we are seated next to a group of kids, one of whom is celebrating his 18th birthday tonight, and one of his friends looks like Tom Welling about 10 years ago (like first season of Smallville). The guy calling the numbers is hilarious – down home country NC charm – but he’s funny because he talks about how he hates this and calling numbers is the last thing on his list of things to do. He cracked jokes all night and threw out a few good humored insults to the deserving. Our table kept getting in trouble because we were talking to much (we weren’t it was the group of kids) – but they were good kids, very entertaining. A few times we caught Dana watching them like tv… (that door don’t lock). But there were serious old ladies in there that kept yelling “SHHHHH!”
There were a lot of games, and we are not bingo players so we were a little nervous that we would know all the games – like “the layer cake” (three alternating rows of bingo), “floating postage stamp” (4 in a square anywhere on your card), lucky 7 (just the first person to get any 7 numbers covered on their card), and the best was “the worst card” – you all stand up and he calls the numbers. If you have a number anywhere on one of the cards, that card is out, and when all of your cards are out, you sit. The last person standing with a blank card wins. I actually won one game! I got $20, and Dana won the last blackout that was worth $500!! But she didn’t get the $500 because you have to get the blackout in the first 53 numbers that are called… after 53 numbers have been called it’s only worth $50. But she didn’t get the $50 either – because if several people win then you split the pot. She ended up with $5. BUT she won the $500 game. It was fun times.
Not sure what the plans are for tmw – but I do know that we’re confirmed on the dolphin cruise at 6:30, and we’re heading to breakfast at a place that claims to have the best breakfast. They’re going to have some convincing to do after today.
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