Monday, July 7, 2014

Go East young man... to FLORIDA!

Wednesday July 2nd

Welcome to Wednesday!  Today we’re venturing out!  We get up and active slowly, we’re still on beach time, so there’s no rush, but we want to drive to the Naval Air Station today in Pensacola.  So we’re really ambitious, we’re heading to another state (which is less than an hour away).  But the Air Station also has the oldest lighthouse, and we can go up in it – and we’ll check out the Orange Beach area on the way there and back, maybe head to Flora-bama for lunch or dinner.   But first, breakfast!  Patti and I have been watching a show on TLC, “The Next Great Baker” – our friend and fellow ya-ya, Angela’s cousin Lia is on the show, and she’s doing very well at making St. Louis proud!  On the first episode of the show the bakers had to make something that spoke to the judges about where they came from, and Lia made a gooey butter cake (of course).. and came in 2nd – but the dish that came in first was biscuit cinnamon rolls.  The judges just loved them, and the recipe was posted on the website – so I thought it would be fun to bake something while we were on vacation and packed up what we needed (pre-measured all the dry ingredients and put them in zip-locks).  Patti said that today would be a good day to make them and offered to be by sous chef.  We have a few pics of our work and the final product – they were good, but a little dry – if I were to do it again, and I might, I would use just a white flour (they asked for a white wheat flour), or may even just use a Bisquick biscuit recipe, and I would roll them looser.  They were just a little dry and may have had more room to expand if the roll were more “relaxed”..  but it was fun and I’m glad we did it!

Notice I'm using my can of beef as a rolling pin

Making the icing

The further behind I get on the blog, the harder it is to remember all the little details, and really, that’s what makes the blog for me when I go back and read it.  I don’t want to just list out: made cinnamon rolls, went to Naval Air, Lighthouse, shopping, Crab Trap..  it’s the little silly moments that I want to remember and that we’ll be talking about for vacations to come.  But it’s been sooo lazy that I’ve even slacked on taking notes in my phone. 
It has kind of become our daily ritual to watch our “cabana boy” Chance (yes, his real name) set up the chairs for rental down on the beach.  There are wooden lounge chairs with padding and umbrellas that you can rent for $20/day, and every morning about 7:15, Chance sets them all up – about 20 chairs or more – walking back and forth with the padding and umbrellas, and then having to plant each umbrella in the sand.  The whole process is a workout – we get tired just watching him.  No we don’t.  J 

After our exciting morning we pile in the car and Amy drives us over to the Naval Air Station – it’s not a very long drive and we spot some shops we want to check out on the way back, and Flora-bama (at the Alabama/Florida state line) that we want to try on the way back.  We get to the Naval Station and at first we’re not sure we’re in the right place because it looks like we’re entering a secure base (I guess we are) – and we have to state our purpose of our visit,  I guess we got it right because he gives us a parking pass for the Museum and Lighthouse only, and keep it displayed at all times, and as soon as we leave the base, DESTROY the pass. I will tell you that we didn’t destroy it when we left – we are clearly in violation and I hope that no one that can do anything to us is reading this right now.  It reminds us that Patti has already had one violation on this trip – from the Condo people.  She hung her towel over the balcony to dry and there was a notice on our door, a violation served… Patti quickly learned her lesson and has not  been violated since.  Well, until now.  I'll post a pic of all of our violations at some point...  Until then, you wait! 

When we walk up to the Naval Station there is a trolley parked out front and Patti wants to ride it – the tickets are free, and while we have no idea where it takes us, Patti doesn’t care, it’s a free trolley ride, C’mon!  But when we ask at the desk for our free tickets, they only have 3 left – one of the women working tries to plead our case and asks if they can fit just one more person on the trolley, and no, no they can’t.   So we walk around the station and gawk at the HUGE airplanes everywhere – it’s a pretty cool place and we learned some stuff.  It was interesting to see that it was their 100th anniversary and their first planes were in 1914 (if you’re doing the math with us) – they looked very similar to what you envision when you think of the Wright brother’s planes – it’s so interesting to see how the aircraft evolved in their design for different purposes.  There was one plane that was a multi-passenger plane that seemed to made of out of the parts of the airplane hangar – I would not want to fly in that plane. 

Big plane!

Inside the carrier

The outside of the plane, made from an old airplane hanger? 

Dana thought that I looked like I was sitting in the plane

This is also the place where the Blue Angels practice and you can hear them flying above as well as see some of their planes hanging on display.  The ones hanging have a strange “thing” (not sure what to call it) extending from the front of the plane, it looks to me like one of those mics on the headsets of the Time-Life operators – but I know that planes don’t need that.. so another guess we had was that it was the sky-writing apparatus.  Anyone know?  The other plane that was parked outside didn't have it, but all of the ones on display inside did. 

What is that thing on the right of the plane?

There are some cute retro historical displays all around, and we have a good time posing at the old movie theatre, in the bunk room, Dana tried washing her hair with the old Navy shower system, and I loved the old poster for foot care (with the strategically placed socks).   

Amy gets her ticket

Gonna wash that man right outta my hair... 

Ready for lift off!! 

My favorite poster

We head back downstairs via the old rolling stairs (made me think of the stair-car from Arrested Development, but Patti wanted to be Jackie-O coming off the plane, and Dana and Amy wanted to be the Beatles)…  

Dana spots this cut up Blue Angel plane that they let you sit in – it seems to only be kids lining up, but we have no shame – we’re kids at heart and we do what we want.  The line to the plane was back a ways from the plane itself, giving some “ATM” line space to the people in the plane getting their pictures taken, but some people see that as there not being a line and try to just walk right up the stairs to the plane.  There were two boys that seemed really excited about getting in the plane and with my adult guilt, I told Dana to let them go on ahead of us because I thought it was just them and they just wanted to look.  But it turns out it was rude grandpa that told them to go on and get in the plane despite the line – and then took his time getting the pics – Dana would not be letting that happen again.  Don’t let them smell your weakness in line, or you’ll be waiting there for days.   Dana gets her turn and follow as the photographer – Amy sets up on the other side to get another angle of Dana in the plane – I actually got video of Dana getting in the plane, but I think that I’ve been banned from showing it. 
In the Blue Angel plane

Dana with her famous Top Gun plane

We get done and then I ask Amy if she wanted her pic in the plane too – sure why not?  So we get back in line after a short bathroom break, and we get there just before a group of kids traveling in a school group get there.   I’m waiting to take Amy’s picture, and Dana is going up with Amy to get the picture from the other angle, and I hear these boys talking to each other, “Man, I really want to get up in that plane.. I don’t think there’s a line, we should just go… do you think we can …”… and then they head toward Amy and Dana.  These boys are all up on that plane, they have no notion that these adults are actually in line for the plane, despite Amy’s checking body language – I’m waiting for a throw down, Amy keeps getting closer to the plane, and the boys keep trying edge between her and the plane to get past her.  Finally Dana tells them that they need to get in line, that they’re in line first – very disappointing moment for those boys, but Dana and Amy are having none of it. 

Don't even try it kid... 

We head outside an get some pics with the full Blue Angel plane before getting back in the car and driving across the way to the Lighthouse.  

It’s a MUGGY day, and we’re contemplating 172 (?) step climb in an enclosed space… When we pull up we see the light house is being painted, we wonder if maybe the painters can just take us up that way.  We enter the gift shop and it has the AC on blast! So nice, and we know that it’s going to feel great when we come back through there at the end of our climb.  There is a little museum in the house attached to the actual lighthouse, and we look around a bit before heading to the spiral staircase for our “safety lecture” – no shoes are allowed without backs (no flip-flops, and no sandals with no backs – Navy regulations), which includes the shoes I’m wearing, so since those shoes are not allowed on the stairs, I’m told I have to carry my shoes and climb up barefoot.  

The stairs are narrow and those coming down have the right of way, if we meet someone coming down as we’re going up, we are to go to the center of the stairs and cling to the pole.  There are windows along the way if we want to take breathers we can step aside and get a little air (very similar to our climb up the tower of Pisa).  The stairs are beautiful, winding with a design in the wrought iron.. as you look up and down it just a cool sight.  The windows do make great places to stop and catch your breath, and there is a nice breeze coming in.  We’re doing ok until we hit about 150 steps (some of them are numbered), and Patti and I take a little more time before heading all the way up.  The view is worth it, and the designs in the light is really cool – Dana got some of her artsy shots of the stairs and the light, and some pics of us huffing and puffing.   The way down for me actually hurts my feet more, the stairs are steep enough that there is quite an impact as you step down on each step, and the design in the iron is making my feet tender.  I consider violating Navy regulations and putting on my shoes – but I don’t.  We’ve been violated enough.  J

Dana with her certificate that says she did it!
We are quite moist after our climb down – and we are really looking forward to the AC of the gift shop and we pick up some frozen Italian ices out of their freezer.  It’s the perfect thing after a lighthouse climb.  We spot someone in front of us wearing a Cardinal shirt and Patti approaches them to see where they’re from – we see a lot of people down here from St. Louis (I think I’ve mentioned that), but everywhere we go we see someone wearing Cardinals shirts or St. Louis gear of some kind..  there must be a pipeline.

We find Flora-Bama.. but it’s not exactly what we’re looking for.  It’s a big complex and there are different sections of the bar and signs pointing in all directions to the Oyster bar, and the Main Bar, and if you go left then you’re in this big hall where they’re playing bingo.  We stick our heads in the Oyster bar and looks like a “pro shop” snack bar  - so we head up to the “Main bar” which seems a little dark and shady, and maybe not fully functional for lunch.  So I head up to the bar to ask if they serve food here, and some of the local identify us as lost tourists and we hear them laugh that we don’t look like we’re from around here.  The bartender tells me that the only food is down at the Oyster bar, and we look at the menu (fried bar food) and decide to head back to a place that we had passed that looked promising, The Crab Trap (although we all thought that is had different names – the Crab Bucket or the Crab Basket.. ).  And we were very pleased with that decision.  Our waiter was Ethan and had a lovely voice for radio – he did not seem to mind at all that we weren't from around here.. and the food was amazing.  Best meal I’ve had since Felix’s – the crab cake on top of a fried green tomato, with corn stuff relish… I want more please.  Amy’s mahi mahi was cooked very well, and Dana had some SUPER yummy crab dip that she shared with us -  Dana asks if we can have one of the kiddie sand buckets that are piled up near the hostess station and Ethan tells us that we can take as many as we like.  Dana wants to use them for our late night crabbing adventures..

We head back down the road and stop at some of those shops on the way back – Amy finds a cute top in one of the boutiques, and Patti finds a shirt that brings out the crazy, I mean color, in her eyes.. I am tempted by the Mango Mai Tai, and it doesn’t take much arm twisting for Amy and Patti to join me.  We get up to go and Amy still has about half of her drink left (and the car keys), and in the short walk to the car, Amy no longer has a drink.  Dana asks for keys and Amy insists that she’s ok to drive because she won’t be drinking WHILE she’s driving, that’s why she downed the rest of her drink while we were walking to the car, so she’d be good.  Ummmm… yah…  so give Dana the keys…  cause it’s better to slam a drink right before you get behind the wheel..  oh Amy. 

We find a Wal-Mart on the way back, it looks less chaotic than the Wal-Mart in Gulf Shores, and Amy wants to find a raft like we all have (they’re called papasan rafts and they’re easy to get in, relaxing.. ) – but this Wal-Mart is a special kind, it’s all food, called a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market – interesting. Dana and Amy drop us off with our new food supplies and head up to the big Wal-Mart so Amy can get her raft – and mission accomplished.  But if you’re looking for it in the seasonal/raft section, you won’t find it – they found it in the kids/toy section for some reason. Amy came in dancing, she was so happy to find one, and in her favorite colors of pink and orange.  It’s a good day at the beach. 

The night is full of excitement.. some drinks, some laughs, and patiently waiting for Orange is the New Black to load on Netflix.  

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