Tuesday, July 2, 2013

On the Road Again... and Doctor WHO? July 1, 2013

We’re packing up and leaving Cornwall today – the B&B has been so nice!  We’re trying to sample the area, and the goodies in our rooms (nice hot chocolate and short bread cookies).  We’re up and ready for breakfast a little earlier this morning – and most people just have the scrambled eggs – something simple.  But I have the omelet that Patti had the day before – love that cheese.  Nicholas is taking our orders again – just adorable. 

We pack up the car and this time Patti is sitting way in the back and Thomas is again taking the navigator position in the passenger seat.  We seem to have more stuff, and Dana is the most perplexed by it because she hasn’t really purchased anything.  We have a three hour drive to Cardiff, and we’re planning to stop off at Cheddar along the way.  I wanted to sample some cheddar from Cheddar.. but we’ve done zero research on it.  We just saw it on a map and we wanted to go there – we don’t even know if they actually make cheddar there, or if there is a shop where we can buy it.  Its an adventure!  I put in Cheddar into the gps and it wants a point of interest there, so I pick “shopping” – hoping that will take us to cheese.

Thomas and I are working well together, but we notice that the signs that signal a turn aren’t where we expect them to be – in America a sign points to turn here, and it’s where you should be turning… the signs here happen about 100 feet before you turn, but they point to their left, as if it’s “here”… one time we tried to turn at the sign, then at a little clearing and finally at the turn…  We’re having a good time listening to British radio.  Thomas says that the morning talk on American radio doesn’t interest him, but if he had British people, it might.   We chuckle at the weather forecast because there will be two showers in the afternoon, but the forecast is declared to be “mostly dry”.    There is apparently a local debate over how to pronounce “Scones” (seems similar to the pop versus soda thing) – and some say “scons” and some say “scones” (with a long O).   We love a segment called guess the guest – but not for the reason we’re supposed to- it’s just completely pointless and American audiences wouldn’t have the patience for it.  They play a line that someone has said, and it’s someone famous that has been on their program – but they could be and probably are disguising their voice, and could even be lying about what they’re saying (we just get “I’m an actress”…played repeatedly).  They sound female, but could be male and could be a singer…  people call in and they guess by making the host guess.  So instead of saying, “It’s Robin Williams”, they have to say “He’s played on Mork and Mindy, does stand up, is quite crazy, etc” and then the host guesses who they are guessing and tells them that they’re wrong (by using a duck quacking noise --- which is all the people in the back of the car can hear, and are apparently annoyed by it).  The part that takes patience is that it’s apparent that this has not started today – this happens weekly, and they have been busy guessing at this same person for weeks.  No one guessed it this week either, so next week they’ll be at it again, listening to “I’m at actress” and trying to guess who it is.  

Little things make us chuckle… Thomas says that they have a small glove box… I say they must have small gloves.   J   We pass a pet boarding place that also claims to be a “cattery”.  It’s not the first thing like that we’ve noticed – we’ve driven by an “Ottery” too.  But a cattery seems a little more odd.  It’s right across from Eastertown, and I think that a bunnery would be more appropriate.  Get thee to a bunnery!!

We get to our Cheddar exit and start going through town to the shops – but nothing is labeled Cheddar, and it seems to be a seaport town.  We check the map and it’s on the other side of the motorway – it took us to shopping near Cheddar, but not in Cheddar.  It’s ok, a happy accident because this place looks fun.   It’s actually Weston Bay – this is what we get for zero research. 

We park and walk around – and it’s COLD – yes, I was cold – and people are at the beach, people are even walking around in swim trunks with nothing else on.. Thomas and Lauren are both wearing their jackets and taunting me with them.  I keep saying that I’m determined to find a jacket on this trip, but it never happens. 

Lauren finds batteries for her camera (the guy sees their jackets and says “You’ve been to London and Lands End!” … very clever).  Dana heads down to the beach to stick her toes in the sand, and then we check out the dolphin shop (what looks like a second hand or surplus store – still no jacket).   We don’t see any cheddar, but every place we pass is advertising the cream tea and I tell them that I have to try it before we get out of Cornwall.   They all advertise homemade scones, so I figure this is a great place to get it.  Thomas gets spaghetti and Lauren gets a chicken salad because they weren’t sure if the cream tea would be enough to fill them up.  It’s meant to be an afternoon snack and we’re trying it for a meal. 

The clotted cream is like the consistency of butter – not like the whipped “heavy” cream that I thought it would be.  It works best to layer on the crème first and then the strawberry “conserves” (not preserves).  It comes with a proper pot of tea as well -  It’s good – I’m glad we tried it.  Checked that off my list.  

It’s getting to be later – like 1:00 and we have timed tickets for Doctor Who, latest entry at 3:30 (and about 90 minutes to Cardiff).  We call our host and let them know our eta, and we head out (after we figure out the system to pay for parking – they give us a little yellow chip, and then we pay and they give us a different yellow chip – not sure how they know the difference).


We cross the bridge from England into Wales – it reminds us of the Alton bridge – and we make our way through Cardiff.  As cities go, it’s not a bad one to drive through.  Just was we pull up on the place, our host is standing there on the curb and leads us into the right parking area and up to show us the penthouse.   I knew it would be a nice place because we saw pictures, but I was a little skeptical about the “penthouse” label.   But seriously, this place is beautiful.  There is a huge sun deck, massive windows that look out onto the city – everything is modern and clean lines – there is even a rain shower in the bathroom.   Britt, me, and the kids head off to the Doctor Who Experience – it’s right around the corner, we can see it from our deck, and we have about 30 minutes before our last entry.   Patti and Dana bring up all our bags (thanks), do laundry, and sit and read on the deck while we’re away.  We find that it’s hard for us to understand the first thing that the locals say to us – it takes us about a sentence before we can get it.   Patti had an encounter with someone as they were taking the elevator up – they took turns holding the door for each other, and he said something that she thinks was “swapsies”…


The DW Experience is great – and cheesy – and smaller than we’d hoped (we were spoiled with Harry Potter).  We get to drive a Tardis (cheesy), we get to see these amazing real props and characters from the show like the Face of Boe, the Silence, Cybermen – the set of the 10th Doctor’s Tardis (great!!) – and we shop in the gift store (smaller and not as many choices as we’d hoped).  But no regrets, glad we went !

All signs in English and Welsh

We get back to the penthouse and we look for Mermaid Quay (pronounced “key”) to get food.   It’s also my mission to find the plaza that they use for the entrance of Torchwood (another BBC show) and the memorial to one of the characters on Torchwood who was killed (the character, not the actor) – but the character was so loved that it’s now 4 years later and the memorial still stands.  Poor Ianto Jones.

As we walk down the hall to the elevator we look to our right, out the window an across the way into another window…. And there is a guy.. naked… lying there watching tv.  We have an “Ugly naked guy”!  We all gawk – and he WAVES!  Now we’re laughing so hard because he’s spotted us – and Dana is trying to take a picture of him.  J  

We find the plaza!!  It’s surreal – really, really, really cool!  We pass by it several more times while we’re in Cardiff and I take a pic every time.   Mermaid Quay is right next to it, and we head over there while we’re looking for the memorial to Ianto.  We can’t find it, and just as we’re about to give up and go eat – there it is!  It’s just a wall of notes to him – but I love that we found it.


We find food – nothing spectacular, your normal pub fare .. fish and chips, burgers.. but they have a Bulmer’s Pear cider (my favorite) so I get one… and then we decide to get some to take with us (if unopened we can take it to go) – so we get two more Pear, and the bartender recommends the new grape flavor and passion fruit (which they don’t carry) – we get a grape too and head back to the apartment (back through the Torchwood plaza). 

Back at the apartment we just relax, sit on the deck, catch up on our screens, and watch the BBC.  Thomas is watching BBC in Cardiff – seeing Skins premiere – a show that the kids watch with their dad.  They skype David and he’s totally jealous that Thomas gets to see the premiere of the new season before him.  I get a chance to see my Maeby So (David is dog sitting), and she’s totally confused by my voice coming through the skype.

Brittany and Patti room together again – Brittany is done with me after I attacked her in my sleep.  She’s a teeth grinder and it was keeping me up the first night in Cornwall, so I used a sleep machine app to cover it (the same one I used when we roomed together at the Illinois conference) – but she didn’t like it this time and somehow my app made her alarm on her phone not go off (you see how that can happen, right? It’s not just that she didn’t hear it, it’s that it didn’t go off and it must have been because of the sleep machine).  So she asks that I not use it the second night, but just wake her up if she grinds her teeth.  She did, and in my sleepy state I woke her up in a way that seemed expedient at the time, and I kicked her.  She thought that I was just having bad dreams and attacking her – so she’s kind of done with me for a while (Sorry Britt).  That puts me and Dana together – and Thomas and Lauren each get their own couch.  There is a pull out bed, but even the host said that the couches are more comfortable. 

I was up later blogging  (I have weird sleep patterns, especially on vacation), and I keep hearing laughter coming from Patti and Brittany’s room – so I go in and they’re just being little quote machines, but we’re not keeping quotes.  I tell Patti that she’s in charge of that from now on, we need vacation quotes.  (For those that don’t know we write down things that are funny, and maybe just to us, especially when taken out of context).    Don’t stick that in my butt… smell my cookie…  It’s like a thermos… I feel like soup..  “Ok” is a sideways person… mind blown

And only we know what that means..   J
Daily totals:  10,387 steps -- 15 stairs --  4.31 miles

Tomorrow (Tuesday) – we have full day in Cardiff

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