I think that I labeled the last post as Tuesday... I reeeally thought that I was ahead of you all.
Today was our little bit of this and that day - we rode the tube A LOT just getting around the city, and just when we feel that we had it all figured out, we got on one going in the wrong direction... but quickly remedied.
We planned to start the day by going to the Sherlock Holmes shop and museum - conveniently located at 221B Baker Street! We got off the tube and followed the lovely touristy signs that point us in the right direction (we haven't learned yet that we should always go in the opposite direction) - it's pouring rain - and we're hungry. We found this great little italian deli that serves a full english breakfast all day. It was great to kill two birds, get some food and get out of the rain.
The food was great - the beans look odd, but they really taste great with everything else on the plate, and those mushrooms were really tasty. Today we all decided to order the sparkling water today instead of our traditional still water. Ugh. Amy likes it, Patti can tolerate, and I question its very existance. It just tastes like carbonated water - like the icky bitter taste that you get when your soda fountain has run out of syrup and you're stuck with too much carbonated water. Give me good ole "still water".
We walked back toward the tube, and a block past it and found 221B Baker Street.
I'm not sure how they got this address, but very cool that they can not only be on Baker street, but be the actual address of the master slueth. The shop was quaint - I got a pack of Sherlock Holmes matches and the business card for the shop is made to look like
a business card for Holmes himself. We paid 6pounds for the tour - and it was really just a walk through of a house that they had set up to be like Holmes' residence, and then some strange wax figures acting out scenes from each of the books. But it was nice that they let you take pics, and even encouraged you to pose with the hats and pipe. The best part of the tour (maybe an exaggeration) was the real water closet that was downstairs. It was the classic suspended tank with a pull chain.
Got back on the tube and headed north to Abbey Road - found the place where the Beatles crossed the road, and the reco
rding studio. Drivers are actually very patient for all the tourists to try and cross the road, and stand in the middle of the road to get the picture. We weren't so brave as to hold up traffic - one guy even LAID DOWN in the street... we just crossed as we could and snapped a pic. That white building in the background is the Abbey Road recording studio.
Then we walked back to the tube and headed toward King's Cross... more on the next entry. I'm diong this on the computer tonight and it has a photo limit... to be continued
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